I Forgot He Was Black: Thoughts on Race & Obama

UPDATE (11/13/08): Here are 2 GREAT articles from the NYT that discuss some of the points I make in this post, with much better detail and info. The first is about transforming “I don’t trust blacks” voters in PA, and the second is about “I don’t want blacks over me” voters in the South.
NOTE: I wrote most of this yesterday on the flight back from Ohio, but decided to spend some time thinking about it and editing. I also wrote these three posts (1,2,3) about my time volunteering in Ohio.


I’ve always been fascinated with race & civil rights. I’ve read a lot, studied a lot, been affected by it a lot, and just plain thought about it a lot. So, it came as a bit of a shock to me that I only remembered Obama was black yesterday as the vote totals were coming in. 🙂 I’d kinda forgotten it until then 🙂

I had been worried that we might win close even though we had 10 times the ground-game McCain had. I would be happy of course, but deeply unsettled about what that would say about us as a nation. This has been a vast national push the likes of which I have never heard of. What would it mean if all that effort only squeezed out a victory as close as our last two losses? That would be a deeply shattering statement about our country. But as I drove back down to Columbus last night, listening to the early vote totals coming in & hearing all the states that were going McCain, I realized that it would only be troubling only if our candidate was white. And I had forgotten that he was black.

We are in many ways a country not ready for a black President, but we have exceeded our worst truths to attempt our best truths.

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Why Did I Go to Ohio?

NOTE: I wrote most of this yesterday on the flight back from Ohio, but decided to spend some time thinking about it and editing. I also wrote this post on race & these two (1,2) posts from Ohio.

(Geauga County, where I went, is the red one, next to Cleveland)
(from NY Times map)


This is the first day in a long, long time I’ve felt real hope. The end of the of 2006 elections was a relief & it meant that the long nightmare was at least ending. But it wasn’t a time to start a new national dream. Today is that day. The last eight years have shattered almost everything that I loved about our country. We have laid bare all the ugliness we are capable of as a people*. We have done and said things I believed were impossible for us until we did and became those things. It was 8 years of looking in the mirror and finding evil and ugliness. It has been a hard, hard time (tears come to my eyes even thinking about it). What a beautiful way to turn the page. The difference between just yesterday and today is best summarized by Barack himself, as he said last night:

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CHANGE comes to OHIO

NOTE: This is my second quick-‘n’-dirty post from Ohio. Again, I’m sorry for grammar, punctuation & readability. Sorry – just too busy.

(click Barack to see more pix from my trip)

Many things have CHANGEd since my last post. CHANGE! I’ll drop some quick notes before I go to bed – tomorrow I have to get up crazy early and help squeeze the relatively small # of Obama votes from this area to offset part of the red wave from this part of OH:

  • I’m now in the red red red Republican hinterlands in the northwest – near Cleveland & Lake Erie. McPalin signs outnumber us at least 2 to 1.
  • My new Obama belly has grown considerably (soooo much campaign junk food everywhere & the aforementioned “would you like iceberg lettuce with that bacon?”-salads. What’s hi in the middle & round at both ends…. (sigh) …me 🙁
  • I saw Barack at a rally Sunday – he rocks. Clearly a little tired, but the confidence, charm, and stature is impressive. 60,000 people showed up for his rally at the state capitol.
  • I rented a car and drove up here from Columbus. On the way here (late Sunday night) I dropped off various things at various other campaign offices on the way. The energy and excitement at each, LATE on a Sunday night was amazing. Given, it was 2 nights before election day, but check these (1) articles (2) at 538 for comparison. Anyway here is the picture I took at a small office in Cleveland – it doesn’t quite do justice to the noise, energy & buzz, but perhaps it does do justice to the the diversity and youth. It really is cool to see. As The Who albums says, “The Kids Are Alright”. I am amazed not just at the youth and energy, but also the intelligence, focus, & drive. It gives me more HOPE.
  • When I decided to come out, I was a little leary of staying at host housing & considered getting a hotel room for myself. I’m always a little leary of staying with hosts – mostly because I am always worried about inconveniencing benefactors, so I’m never relaxed. But after staying with 2 different Ohio families, I have to say, I’m glad I didn’t stay in a hotel. It is really really nice to connect with people who you don’t know anything about, and stay in their homes, and to enjoy their generosity (Thanks, Jeanne & Hal, Elizabeth & Jim!)
  • The technology angle of all this is once again noteworthy. Using my iPhone 3G’s GPS to get me anywhere and everywhere in these completely unfamiliar surroundings has been AWESOME. I navigated to Cleveland, & all around to various campaign locations, & all around this pretty rural area with ease! Thank god I found that Wal-Mart open late Sunday night with an iPhone car-charger though….


.pps I miss you guys & can’t wait to get home.


Obamateering in Ohio!

NOTE: This is effectively a draft of the post I want to put up. And even the post itself will be pretty rudimentary. I just don’t have much time. I’ll put this up now & fix it soon HOPEFULLY. ALSO: I wrote most of this last night, but I haven’t proofread this at all… I gotta get back to work….


Reporting…. from….. Ohio…. sooooo….. tired…… must. focus. type.

Ok kids –

So I’ve been meaning to blog from freezing Ohio, but I’m just working too hard and am too fried to think of anything coherent to say. This is one of those “you’ll think about it when it’s over” times in my life. Mostly I’m just working my ass off, trying to use my powers for awesome.

So given the lack of coherent narrative structure, I’m just going to drop you some notes: I really do want to capture some of this moment & I know that some of you have been wondering what I’m doing & how it’s going…:
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The ‘Deep Slate: November 2008 Edition

[Ed. Note: 10/31/2015: This “post” was originally a pair of emails (“LIST” & “DETAILS”) I sent to my friends on 10/19/2008. I have posted it today in 2015, and backdated for archival/search purposes]


Hey folks – Look! a SHOCKINGLY early ‘Deep Slate! I had to get it together early since I knew I was headed to Ohio (where I am now, volunteering for Obama!)
Please keep CA sane (NO on 8!) & green (YES on H) while I’m gone!
(my apologies if you get this multiple times & if you don’t want to get this type of stuff from me, just let me know)
(IF YOU GOT THIS FROM A FWD & ask the person who sent it to you to send along the corresponding explanations of why.)

Hey folks –
So here is my ‘Deep Slate for the Nov 2008 elections.
– This email contains the endorsements in a super-simple list – easy to print!
– The whys & wherefores are in a second email entitled: “DETAILS:…”. I’ll send that out shortly.
– Please feel free to forward this far & wide…. please pass along the DETAILS message to anyone you fwd this LIST to.
– NOTE: Not all your ballots will contain all these issues/races – it depends on where you live

To find your polling place:
415 554 4375

If you will be out of town, you can vote early at City Hall!

The key is as follows:
• the more UPPERCASE – the more strongly I feel
• exclamation = don’t get me started!
• * = I don’t know a lot about it & went with the Guardian or California League of Conservation Voters


President: Obama

US Congress 8: Nancy Pelosi
US Congress 12: Jackie Speier

State Initiatives:
2: Yes*
3: No
4: NO
5: Yes*
6: NO
7: NO
8: NO NO NO (.ps no!)
9: No*
10: NO
11: No*
12: Yes*

State Senate: MARK LENO
State Assembly 12: Fiona Ma
State Assembly 13: TOM AMMIANO
Judge: Gerardo Sandoval

SF Initiatives:
A: Yes
C: No
E: yes
F: Yes
G: yes
I: no
J: Yes
L: No
M: Yes
N: yes
O: Yes
P: No
Q: Yes
R: No
S: no
T: Yes
U: no
V: No

Supervisor D1: ERIC MAR!

Supervisor D3:
2) Denise McCarthy
3) Tony Gantner

Supervisor D5: ROSS MIRKARIMI!!!

Supervisor D7: sean elsbernd

Supervisor D9:
( please pick your own order between CAMPOS QUEZADA SANCHEZ (listed alphabetically) – PLEASE read the details. If you absolutely demand to know my vote: s/c/q)

Supervisor D11:
2) Randy Knox
3) Julio Ramos

Board of Education:
Sandra Fewer
Bobbie Lopez
Rachel Norton
Norman Yee

Community College Board:
Mary Hernandez
Chris Jackson
Bruce Wolfe


Hey folks –

Helloooo from Ohiooooooo – where I’m volunteering for Obama. I hope that while I’m away, you all get out and vote, because as big of a deal the national election is, there are some big things going on at the state & local level too!

On the state level, Prop 8 represents the all-too-common attempt to strip civil rights from gay people and in the end impoverishes us all. And on the local level, numerous well-funded downtown interests are PLYING $$$$$ into a cavalcade of campaigns attacking more progressive candidates. A loss of the progressive majority on the Board of Supes could really threaten a lot of good policy that most of us care about a great deal, things like rent control, minimum wage laws, transit-first policy, affordable housing, bicycle lanes, health care, chain store limitations and other similar goodness. This is scary & ugly and really can’t be allowed to happen.


Also with this SHOCKINGLY early ‘Deep Slate, you all have a chance to send me better-informed emails on how poor some of my choices are, or debate as you see fit 🙂

Anyway, rock on without me for the next 3 weeks & if you want to follow my campaign adventures in OH, just check my blog: www.deeptrouble.com (.ps I love blog comments)


Jeez! All the way to Prop V!? This has taken me FOREVER TO WRITE! UGH. This is ridiculous! The combination of “we know everyone is coming out to vote” & “political tit-for-tat” has made a ridiculously LARGE # of measures.


(my apologies if you get this multiple times & if you don’t want to get this type of stuff from me, just let me know)

These are the details of my ‘Deep Slate endorsements, to see it in simple list form see the other email entitled: “LIST:…”.

Thanks again to the number of folks who have asked me for my opinions. I know I say it every time but it is quite true: I really am honored. Any questions or flames can, of course, be addressed to me….

Ok – so to figure out how to value (or devalue :-)) my opinions you should know the following:

• My opinions come from my experience in local politics over the past 13 years & the tons of candidate interviews I’ve done with the San Francisco League of Conservation Voters & the SF Bicycle Coalition & all the lobbying I’ve done at City Hall, etc etc…. As you know I don’t get a dime for this, I’m a software engineer by day, and a political activist in my spare time.
• The 3 biggest “norths” of my political compass are environmentalism, social justice issues & good government (reform type) issues.
• I’m President of the San Francisco League of Conservation Voters & on the Board of Directors of the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. While my views are definitely shaped by my activities in these organizations, my endorsements do NOT represent their views.
• I’m basically an idealist, an optimist, and a humanist.
• In some of these races it is a matter of picking between flawed options….
• Ballot measures are REALLY a bad way to govern. Most of the things done in ballot measures SHOULD be done in the normal legislature, where they are easier to fix if they turn out wrong. Another problem is that you have to boil complex issues down to yes/no votes – which rarely is a good idea. But this is what we have, so keep in mind that some good ideas make bad ballot propositions & a lot bad ideas can be made to be sound like good sense in ballot initiative form because the devil is often in the details. And also note that often, these measures are grey – there is often a lot of balancing going on…..
• 90% of my experience & knowledge is about local issues – so understand that state issues are a little greyer for me unless I say otherwise. Thus, some of the endorsements (as marked) below are taken from compiling what the California League of Conservation Voters, the SF Bay Guardian, and the Sierra Club have had to say.

The key is as follows:
• the more UPPERCASE – the more strongly I feel
• exclamation = don’t get me started!
• * = I don’t know a lot about it & went with the Guardian or California League of Conservation Voters

President: Obama
If this is an open question for you, you are probably reading the wrong slate.

US Congress 8: Nancy Pelosi
While some may argue that voting for Cindy Sheehan (as a protest vote, she has 0 chance of winning) is the thing to do & I do have misgivings and disagreements with Nancy, I just don’t see the upside of undercutting a powerful local voice when she agrees with me 90% in a Congress that disagrees with me 50% of the time.

US Congress 12: Jackie Speier*
I don’t know much about Jackie but the CA League of Conservation Voters likes her.

State Initiatives:
This much delayed bond measure will start the funding for California to build a new High Speed Rail system connecting SF to LA but eventually Sacramento to SF to LA to San Diego. If I didn’t love it because it was a great way to get people out of cars, or love it because it would represent a hugh Green House Gas emissions win (it will reduce instate plane flights DRAMATICALLY as well as reduce car trips), or love it because it represents a big investment in CAs decaying infrastructure & will dramatically improve service on our very own CalTrain, I’d vote for it because it will get me to LA in 2 & a 1/2 hours door to door (4 by air? 8 by car?) & I’ll probably be able to bring my bike 🙂 YES YES YES

2: Yes – Standards for Confining Farm Animals*
This really seems to be a simple matter of allowing farm animals raised for food to stand up, turn around, basically MOVE in their pens. Decency.

3: No – Children’s Hospital Bond Act*
Money for Children’s Hospitals is a good thing, but according to the Guardian, too much of this goes to private hospitals that have big endowments & less goes to public institutions, due to the way this measure defines “children’s hospitals” Seems like a no to me.

4: NO – Waiting Period & Parental Notification for Abortion
More attempts to whittle away at abortion rights. What about minors who have difficulties with their parents.

5: Yes – Nonviolent Drug Offenses Sentencing*
Expands treatment-over-incarceration options for drug sentencing. Yes.

6: NO – Prison Funding
Mandates more general fun money for the prison system that is already too big and way the hell too expensive (not to mention a political sacred cow)? Um. no. And we are broke as it is? Hell NO.

7: NO – Bad Renewable Energy Generation
The California League of Conservation Voters and the Sierra Club are dead set against this as a deeply flawed “renewable energy” measure which will really kill off small scale renewable companies and was put on the ballot as a cash grab in green clothing. VOTE NO.

8: NO NO NO (.ps no!) – Eliminates Right of Same Sex Couples to Marry
Oh God. We may very well lose this one & almost entirely because of funding. I’ve chipped in a bit but will try to do more. I doubt I need to convince any of you of how important this one is. Even if it didn’t directly effect so many people I love dearly, I would be appalled at this one on basic human decency and civil rights grounds. The fact that it is a close race that we are losing because of heavy funding from Christian groups (esp. out of state Mormons) is such a huge slap in the face. PLEASE consider giving money immediately to this one: http://www.eqcapac.org/

9: No – Limiting Parole Options and Lengthening Stays In Prison*
Put n by one So Cal Republican millionaire who wants to get tough on crime. Duplicates some existing laws and limits parole option leading to more crowded prisons. Bleagh. No.

10: NO – Alternative Fuel Vehicles & Renewable Energy Bonds
The California League of Conservation Voters and the Sierra Club are dead set against this scam in green clothing too. This time it is T. Boone Pickens attempts to get CA to spend a LOT of money on natural gas in the name of clean energy vehicles. Guess what business Pickens is in? NO

11: No – BAD Redistricting Measure*
This measure changes our broken redistricting system to one that unfairly favors Republicans: This line from the Guardian puts it well: “But as Assemblymember Mark Leno points out, the makeup of this incredibly powerful commission would be dependent only on party affiliation — five Democrats, five Republicans, and four independents. That’s not an accurate reflection of California’s population; Democrats far outnumber Republicans in this state. ”

12: Yes – Veterans Bonds*
A $900 Million bond to help veterans buy farms and homes. Given how poor our veterans services often seem to be. Yes.

State Senate: MARK LENO
In addition to his great voting record as a progressive, Mark is a friend of mine who has been a great vote on environmental issues, and has actively pursued environmental and other progressive measures that have meant a lot to me. Also I’ve always been impressed with his ability to talk to people he disagrees with. Good stuff.

State Assembly 12: Fiona Ma
Fiona Ma, who was an AWFUL Supervisor on environmental issues esp. and progressive issues in general has been a surprisingly GOOD environmental Assemblywoman. She has hired some smart staff & has been pushing High Speed Rail & is generally doing good things. Go fig.

State Assembly 13: TOM AMMIANO
What I said in the June Primary still goes: wish I had more to say, Tom is a friend and a leader. He has been a great progressive voice for a long time in SF, I could go on and on. But even more fun is that he is running against a Republican woman who I went to high school with. She was NOT a nice person then. I’m skeptical she is one now.

It always is a big joy for me when I get to vote for one of my best friends, but it is an even sweeter joy when you know that that friend is the best politician you know and someone you look up to immensely. I love Tom and wish I was more like him in many ways. I should disclose that I’m his campaign treasurer.

Judge: Gerardo Sandoval
What I said in the June Primary still goes: He has been just an OK supervisor, but he will be a much better Judge than the Wilson appointee he is running against.

SF Initiatives:
A: Yes – San Francisco General Hospital Earthquake Safety Bonds
This bond would secure funding to rebuild SF General to modern seismic standards. A failure to secure this funding would mean that we’d be forced by state law to close SF General since it doesn’t meet seismic safety requirements. YES

B: YES – Establishing Affordable Housing Fund
Prop B is a set aside from property taxes (which fund the City’s General Fund) to create an Affordable Housing fund to consistently build new affordable housing in San Francisco for the next fifteen years. That is a pretty serious thing to do, but the problem is very very acute and we as a City have consistently failed to do enough about. Housing in SF is too expensive and the City is getting mor ena d more expensive for working families to live here. This is a serious crisis and this is a necessary solution. YES.

C: No – Prohibiting City Employees on Commissions and Boards
This is badly formed legislation that would ban any City employee from serving on a City Commission or board even if it was unrlated to the area he/she works in. No

D: YES – Financing Pier 70 Waterfront District Development Plan
Proposition D will fund the restoration historic buildings at Pier 70, clean up 150 years of environmental contamination and create up to 20 acres of open space overlooking San Francisco Bay. YES

E: yes – Changing the # of Signatures Required to Recall City Officals
This is a pretty straightforward measure in the sense that it will make the number of signatures required to recall a city official based on the number of people in the official’s jurisdiction which is how state law does it for other counties. The political issue behind this is about the various attempts last year to recall Supervisors which were really mean political vendettas, but regardless, this is good policy. Yes.

F: Yes – Holding All Scheduled City Elections Only in Even-Numbered Years
There are ups and downs with this one, but in the end, I feel that there are WAY too many local election cycles and turnout i pathetic for important issues as it is. It would help things if we had to go to the polls less often. And it would mkae my life MUCH easier 🙂

G: yes – Allowing Retirement Credit for Unpaid Parental Leave*
This is a really boring measure to allow a small set of …snoooooooore… city employees enjoy a retirement benefit that others ge…t. i don’t care. Guardian says yes.

H: YES YES YES – Setting Clean Energy Deadlines; Studying Options for Providing Energy; Changing Revenue Bond Authority to Pay for Public Utility Facilities
Prop H sets a clear mandate for the City to phase out fossil fuels for energy production in about 30 years. THAT IS GROUNDBREAKING IN THE WORLD’S FIGHT AGAINST GLOBAL WARMING. Hells yeah!
In addition, to reach that end, the SFPUC is ordered to study how to achieve these goals & to include in this study expanding on the current Community Choice Aggregation program, contracting out energy production to a new utility, or creating a municipal utility district (MUD) like the highly successful and green one in Sacramento. This makes PG&E angry and even though they have failed to meet their required MINIMAL clean energy targets they have the gall to say this is the coming of Satan and have spent literally millions against the effort. They also raise the false specter of “bonds without a vote” – but many city agencies already have this power & on some level PG&E already has more power to write blank checks in that it just passes its bad investments on to us, the consumers. SERIOUSLY VOTE YES – Sierra Club, Guardian, SFLCV and all other serious enviro organizations say YES>

I: no – Creating the Office of an Independent Rate Payer Advocate
Hmmm – Ok I’m a little confused on this one. Basically this creates an Office of Rate Payer Advocate to advise the SF Public Utilities Commission. The SFPUC manages our power, water & sewer systems. The Rate Payer Advocate would advocate on behalf of consumers and generally keep an eye on the PUC. The Guardian says no because this is superfluous if H passes (H creates a similar position) & thus to vote No. But what if H loses? The other argument to be made is possibly that the very job of the PUC Board is to do this stuff & thus this is duplicative. But The PUC board is often a bunch of political employees (and usually LAME ones) at that. This was put on by the style-over-brain-cell Alioto-Pier so I can’t imagine it to be useful, but it sounds OK to me now in hindsight (I voted no already). Does anyone have a better line on this?

J: Yes – Creating a Historic Preservation Commission
I’m surprised we don’t have one already given how many historic buildings we have in our historic city. As an aside, it is good for the environment because up to 30% of landfill comes from destroying buildings – who knew?!

K: YES -Decriminalizing Prostitution
A simple common sense question is: Is prostitution ever going away? I think that answer is no. So then the next question is what can we do to reduce the negatives associated with prostitution. The biggest step we can do would be to decriminalize it so as to be able to protect the women (& men) involved and mitigate health risks. YES.

L: No – Funding the Community Justice Center*
Near as I can tell, this measure is just grandstanding by Newsom. The CJC has already been created. It has already been funded. Newsom just wants to get points for creating it and “fighting for the people against the Supes” so he put this on the ballot and tinkered with the funding. Lame. No.

M: Yes – Prohibiting Specific Acts of Harassment of Tenants By Landlords
Current rental law prohibits a landlord from just kicking someone out without cause, however there is no protection against a landlord just intimidating or harassing a tenant until the tenant “decides” to leave. This stuff happens. Ugh. This will improve the situation. Yes

N: yes – Progressive Property Transfer Taxes*
This measure will increase the property transfer tax (when a building is bought or sold) on properties that are worth $5 million or more. Thus this will only effect larger corporations who traditionally use all kinds of accounting gimmicks to weasel out of taxes anyway. Yes.

O: Yes – Administrative Change To Fix 911 Funding
As far as I understand it, this is a pretty arcane “technicality-fix” that will preserve 911 service in the face of some legal challenges to the way it is funded. It won’t cost us anything new & is needed. And boring as hell. Just do it. Yes.

P: No – Political Appointees to Transportation Authority
This would remove the Transportation Authority (TA – which controls spending of state mandated transportation funds in SF) from Board of Supervisors oversight & instead place it under control of the Mayor and the President of the Board of Supes . The problem is that as it is now, the TA often acts as a check against misguided transportation policies coming out of the mayorally controlled Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA – which runs Muni & the Dept of Parking and Traffic). By handing the Mayor more control over the TA, this system of checks and balances will collapse. To be sure, this system of checks and balances has its flaws, but this alternative is worse. So NO.

Q: Yes – Close Payroll Expense Tax Loophole & Reform*
Currently firms with partners (like large law firms) avoid the payroll tax for their highest paid employees since they are “partners” not “employees” – this closes that loophole. It also exempts more small businesses from having to pay the payroll tax which I have mixed feelings about, but in general am supportive of. Vote Yes.

R: No – Renaming the Oceanside Water Treatment Plant
I originally signed to put this on th ballot, but since then I’ve reconsidered and wish I hadn’t. God knows I hate G.W.’s Presidency, perhaps even more so than the next guy. But does our City’s infrastructur eand its employees deserve to take the venting of that rage? The water treatment plan in question is one of our better operating ones, and it IS a very important facility – is that how we show our respect? Also what of the employees who have to go to work there every day? I’m sure many of them are good dedicated workers – what does this say to them about how we value there jobs? NO.

S: no – Budget Set Aside Policy Statement
This is kinda a tough call. This measure will possibly make budget set asides harder to create.” Budget set asides due suck. A set aside says “regardless of what else, we will spend some percentage of the City’s General Fund on whatever”. That sucks because it means everything else automatically gets less & that our elected representatives have less ability to dynamically make decisions – a.k.a do their jobs. But as heinous as they are they are sometimes very necessary (see Prop B above) & moreover this measure is more about political fighting between Newsom (slapping at Daly’s Prop B) than real policy. This measure is a statement of policy & has no real teeth. In the end I say No.

T: Yes – Free and Low Cost Substance Abuse Programs*
This measure requires the City to expand its successful substance abuse programs which currently are underfunded and have a long waiting list. Yes.

U: no – Policy Against Funding US Forces in Iraq
I’m sure this will win resoundingly, and since it does nothing, it is an easy vote either way, but I’m still against it. I hate the fact that we are in Iraq, but I don’t just want to “pack up the tents and head home”, we have a moral obligation to pull out in a responsible fashion only once the safety of the Iraqi people can reasonable be assured. If we can not assure that safety due to our continuing presence (as some argue), absolutely we should leave, but not abruptly.

V: No – Policy Against JROTC in SF Schools
This much ballyhooed issue would be a bigger question mark for me if not for the fact that the US Military discriminates against gays. Allowing such a group to discriminate against gays in schools is really problematic.

Supervisor D1: ERIC MAR!
This one is an easy call – Eric is a longtime progressive leader on the School Board where he has proven his ability to push a smart progressive agenda while working with people he disagrees with & in contentious situations. He is by far the best progressive candidate in District 1 & will make a GREAT Supervisor.

Supervisor D3:
2) Denise McCarthy
3) Tony Gantner
I strongly recommend David Chiu in District 3 and REALLY REALLY hope you don’t spend ANY VOTES on Joe Alioto. David is a friend and a really good guy. He has strong enviro & bike credentials and is a smart policy person. Given the nature of his competition and the way Ranked Choice Voting works, I highly recommend voting for someone else for 2 and 3 so that downtown -puppet Joe “elect-me-for-my-name” Alioto doesn’t get the nod. He is spending HUGE amounts of money from downtown interests to win this race &it might just work. This is part of a remarkable effort by downtown interests to elect a series of pro-downtown Newsom types to the Board.

I’d vote 2nd for Denise McCarthy, who I know little about but have heard good things & third for Tony Gantner who frankly isn’t great, but will never win & will also provide a bulwark against Alioto getting more votes.

Supervisor D5: ROSS MIRKARIMI!!!
Ross has been a fantastic supervisor, championing great environmental votes (plastic bag ban), great transportation stuff, & really good safety and crime work. He’s a smart and saavy leader & is really doing good work at City Hall. I really really hope you vote for Ross in D5! None f the challengers really matter.

Supervisor D7: sean elsbernd
I hope none of you live in 7. None of the candidates are particularly good enviros. Sean Elsbernd will win, regardless. I don’t actually dislike him even though I disagree with him on many many votes, I think he is principled and smart.

Supervisor D9:

Ugh. Multiple really Good Candidates SUCK! No seriously, this is a good thing. If any of the front running candidates win, we in D9 (my home & a significant chunk of ‘Deepistan!) will get a great district Supervisor. I’ve been trying for weeks and weeks to figure out how I’d pick between them & tell you guys my thoughts. I can’t. In the end, I’ll tell you my order, but really I think you should make up your own mind. All 3 of them are great and I’m not sure you can make a poor choice.

Notes (alphabetically):
David Campos is a smart attorney whose legal training would probably serve him very well on the board. His commitment to the under-served in D9 is very very very real – this Ivy League & Stanford lawyer came to the US as an undocumented immigrant and is deeply personally committed to giving back. He strikes me as very smart and very even tempered.

Eric Quezada is a great community organizer and street fighter who has lived and worked pretty much all his life in District 9 fighting for neighborhood groups and causes – especially affordable housing and anti-gentrification issues. He has more experience in land use and planning (critical in the Mission) than either of the other two. He is soft-spoken but steely and I respect him a great deal. He is also my neighbor in that he runs Dolores Street Community Services across the street.

Mark Sanchez has been a great member of the School Board, very progressive and very capable. He has impressed be by being aware of his own failings as a politician and fixing them as well as being really earnestly excited about being D9’s supervisor. Like Mar above, I think he is very good at working with people he disagrees with as well as holding strong to his beliefs.

Endorsements: Guardian SFLCV Sierra Club SF Bike Coalition

David Campos #1 #2

Eric Quezada #2

Mark Sanchez #3 #1 #1 (only) #1 (only)

So, my vote (sorry for people I’ll offend) was Sanchez, Campos, Quezada. But I strongly recommend any order of the 3. And second & third votes will become important on this one I’m sure so I hope you vote for these 3 guys in some order.

Supervisor D11:
2) Randy Knox
3) Julio Ramos
I don’t know John personally, but he was strongly recommended by many people whose opinion I hold in high regard, and as a long time assistant to Chris Daly, I know he is well versed at City Hall and is very smart. He has also been endorsed by all the major progressive organizations. This races is much like District 3 with a downtown/Newsom backed candidate (Safai) who probably would be a big loss relative to a real progressive like Avalos. Like 3, the #2 & #3 votes will also be important. I recommend Knox & Ramos for 2 & 3.

Board of Education:
Sandra Fewer
Bobbie Lopez
Rachel Norton
Norman Yee
I don’t have lots to say about the School Board other than I interviewed many of the candidates with the SFLCV and these are the ones who most impressed me.

Community College Board:
Mary Hernandez
Chris Jackson
Bruce Wolfe
I don’t have lots to say about the College Board other than I interviewed many of the candidates with the SFLCV and these are the ones who most impressed me. I will add that the incumbent, Milton Marks, is a friend and a really good environmentalist who I trust a great deal on College Board issues & I strongly support him.

‘Deep Suspends His San Francisco-ness

SAN FRANCISCO, October 14 – Declaring that it was time to “set San Francisco aside,” Senator Amandeep Jawa said Monday that he would temporarily stop living in San Francisco to travel to Ohio to help forge an electoral-vote victory for Barack Obama.

“America faces an historic crisis in our political system,” Jawa said in mid-afternoon remarks to reporters in Cupertino. “If we do not act, every corner of our country will be impacted. We cannot allow this to happen.”

“We must campaign as Americans, not as San Franciscans or Buckeyes, and campaign until this crisis is resolved,” Jawa said, urging other Californians to join him in volunteering in other states.

“This is a time to rise above locality for the good of the country.” Jawa added.




Seriously, unlike John, I’m actually suspending something to go work on something. I’m headed to Ohio for the last 3 weeks of the campaign to volunteer for the Obama campaign in Columbus.

The polls are looking good for the moment, so maybe this will be unnecessary. But I was optimistic in 2004 too & that was the greatest suckage of my political life. So I’m going. Wish me (& the country) luck.

Whilst I’m away, please pass Prop H here in SF & pass Prop 1-A at the state level, but most of all defeat the heinous Prop 8 at the state level. I luvs me some gays and some civil rights! (If you want my political recommendations and voting slate, drop me an email. I’ll be sending it out soon.)

Please Please Please Please consider donating to Yes on H, or No on 8, I did. They both could use the money and are righteous.

If you’re interested, I know a lot of folks are volunteering in Nevada on weekends for Obama. I highly recommend it! Others are making phone calls to other states. Please help out! Two words: President Palin.

FlashDance 17: Moste Excellente!

FlashDance 17 was this past weekend and was fabulous! It was a little smaller than usual (were people gone for the 3 day weekend?) but no matter – it was super fun! The location was GORGEOUS – right along the water under an almost full moon with a stunning view of the Bay Bridge and our fair city. The weather was perfect, and no one hassled us for noise…

Also, I was REALLY happy with the playlist. I struck the exact right amount of new stuff and old stuff for my own preferences 🙂 . I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did:

  • Flash – Queen
  • Hella Good – No Doubt
  • Don’t Stop the Music – Rihanna
  • Billie Jean vs Last Night A DJ Saved My Life (Michael Jackson vs Indeep) – UPDATES SPIN
  • Stronger – Kanye West
  • Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger – Daft Punk
  • Rock Steady – Aretha Franklin
  • American Boy (feat. Kanye West) – Estelle
  • Dance Wit’ Me – Rick James
  • Milkshake (DJ Zinc Radio Edit) – Kelis
  • Lucky Star – Basement Jaxx & Dizzee Rascal
  • We Don’t Stop – Michael Franti & Spearhead
  • Hung Up – Madonna
  • Electro Jugni – Swami
  • Bucky Done Gun – M.I.A.
  • Boyz – M.I.A.
  • Pon de Replay – Rihanna & Elephant Man
  • O.P.P. – Ultimix Mix – Naughty By Nature
  • Callin’ Up the Pieces (BMore Remix) – Party Ben
  • Last Night A DJ Saved My Life – Indeep
  • Mercy – Duffy
  • Rehab – Amy Winehouse
  • Upside Down – Diana Ross
  • Shadows – Honeycut
  • Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It – Will Smith
  • Livin’ la Vida Loca – Ricky Martin
  • The Girls – Calvin Harris
  • SOS – Rihanna
  • Walkin’ Out Yo Girlfriend (Unk Vs. Avril Lavigne Vs. Toni Basil) – Lobsterdust
  • You Make My Dreams – Hall & Oates
  • Don’t Stop Believin’ In Planet Rock (Journey vs. Afrika Bambaataa) – A plus D

All in all it was a simple, uncomplicated, fun FlashDance! Thanks everyone – can’t wait for November’s!

FlashDance 16 did NOT kill me, it made me…

So it’s a week after Labor Day & I’m finally recovered enough to write this post 🙂 (Ok so honestly I also had big work deadlines that kept me too busy to post, but the above sentence captures the aging-rockstar-weekend aspect I’m trying to convey here, so we’ll just dispense with the truth, OK?)

Anyway… Labor Day weekend was kinda ridiculous for me:

  • Friday: 4 hours of Trikeasuarus at Critical Mass.
    Usually, I only do 2 or 3 hours max… not Friday. We went on forever! We even biked up Arguello in the Presidio!
  • Saturday: Recovery (did I mention Arguello Hill?) & worked on my crazy deadlines
  • Sunday: RIDICULOUS:
    – 3 hours of Trikeasaurus at Sunday Streets (CRAZY FUN)*,
    – followed by a mini-FlashDance (kinda weak actually**)
    – followed by another 2 hours of Trikeasaurus
    – followed by a 2 hour nap
    – followed by a 2.5 hours of FLASHDANCE AWESOMNESS

Needless to say, I nearly killed myself over 4 days. And as a result I’m…. <hit it Kanye!>

Anyway, though the first mini-FD at Sunday Streets was, honestly weak**, the real FlashDance was AWESOME!!! Turnout was good even though many people were away for Labor Day & Burning Man, the vibe was fantabulous as usual & as always, that location, Ferry Plaza, was one of the finest! Big thanks to everyone who made it sooooo awesome! And if you want to see more video, or pics, or the playlist – click below to read on after the jump!)

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The Joys Of My North Carolina Roots

So last week, I did the inevitable: I broke Trikeasaurus.

That’s the bad news. The good news was that while attempting to fix Trikeasaurus, the whole episode turned into a simple yet immensely satisfying return to my North Carolina* roots.

You see, as I don’t like cars much, I miss out on one of the great joys of my cultural heritage. Luckily the following image (after the jump) is as close as I’ll ever get to a certain primal yearning that was programmed into me from my youthful surroundings:
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Flashdance 15: Rockin’ Out at City Hall

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You to everyone who made it to last night’s FlashDance at City Hall! Sooooo much goodness & exactly what our hero needed 🙂 It was once again stupendous and makes me even more bummed that I did not manage to have a June FD – what was up with that?

Anyway from the Amazing Filipino(?) Dance Squad, to the Flava Flav impersonator to the Italian tourists it was awesome. And even the fact that we got busted and had to move locations all worked out well (see below!). Simply a great FlashDance! I hope you all had as much fun as I did & I can’t wait for August (hint: we’ll be hitting the same spot we always hit for August FD…).

Thanks again for making my night!

3 quick additional notes:

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