[Ed. Note: After years of the ‘Deep Slate being email only, I’ve moved it to my blog as well as email. You can find all the online ones here]
- You can find your polling place in SF HERE or for the rest of CA HERE.
- You can print just the LIST (all the better to take to the polls) from HERE.
Thanks again to the number of folks who have asked me for my opinions. I know I say it every time but it is quite true: I really am honored by your interest.
Sorry this has taken so long, but as usual, I’m doing the best I can under the relentless pressure of October (Work deadlines! Halloween costume! election stuff!).
If you like it, please do let me know! Also questions, criticisms, comments welcome!
GO VOTE! ‘deep —–
The format of this post is simple:
- The LIST: The simple list of my endorsements for this election
- The DETAILS: The whys and wherefores of each endorsement.
- My VALUES: A brief explanation of my values and sources, to help make sense of my opinions.
The key is as follows:
- The more UPPERCASE – the more strongly I feel.
- An ‘*’ by the Yes/No means I don’t know a lot about it & went with the SF Bay Guardian or California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV) or some set of organizations I value, like the Sierra Club.
US: President: Barack Obama US Senate: Dianne Feinstein Congress: Nancy Pelosi
CA: Assembly D13: Tom Ammiano Assembly D19: Phil Ting State Senate D11: MARK LENO BART Board D9: TOM RADULOVICH
Prop. 30: Temporary Sales Tax & Progressive Income Tax for Schools: YES YES YES Prop. 31: Budget and Legislative “Reforms”: No Prop. 32: Unfair Limits to Political Spending: NO NO NO Prop. 33: Changing Insurance Rates to Benefit Insurance Companies: No* Prop. 34: Replace the Death Penalty with Life w/o Parole: YES YES YES Prop. 35: Deeply Flawed Human Trafficking Legislation: NO Prop. 36: Improve Three Strikes Law: YES YES YES Prop. 37: Require Labeling for GMO Foods: YES Prop. 38: Raise Income Taxes for Education: Yes Prop. 39: Tax Treatment for Multistate Businesses: Yes* Prop. 40: Support Redistricting Decisions: Yes*
SF: Board of Supervisors D1: Eric Mar D3: David Chiu D5: 1. John Rizzo 2. Christina Olague D7: Norman Yee D9: David Campos D11: John Avalos
Community College Board Chris Jackson Rafael Mandelman Steven Ngo Amy Bacharach
Board of Education Sandra Fewer Jill Wynns Rachel Norton Matt Haney
Prop. A: City College Parcel Tax: YES Prop. B: Parks Bond: Yes Prop. C: Affordable Housing Trust Fund: YES YES YES Prop. D: Consolidate Off-Year Elections: Yes Prop. E: Gross Receipts Tax: Yes Prop. F: Hetch Hetchy and Water Study: YES Prop. G: Corporations Are Not People: YES
Read on for the details of why I’m recommending the above…