‘Deep: Live in Budapest!

I just got back to Paris from Budapest & since that means a dedicated DSL line again I feel at home*. (whew!)

What did I do in Budapest?….. Why, I performed live in front of my adoring fans of course:

You MUST HAVE QUICKTIME 7 to Play the Movie
movie thumbnail
90 sec small video version (2.8MB)

90 sec big video version (8.6MB)
(looong download – but worth it)

Well actually, my cousin (the cameraman & Mr. never-done-karaoke-before!) & I stumbled into a “Hungarian Idol”-type night at a local club & after much hemming & hawing, I went for it. Unfortunately, the contest was over before they let me on, & much of the audience had left, but dammit – someone needed to bring the funk to Budapest!…. so I pressed on…. and lest the video fools you, there were more Hungarians there than the footage shows….

Can anyone figure out what the announcer is saying at the end? Near as I can tell from my 3 day immersion course in Hungarian, it is something like “and his hovercraft is full of eels.”**

writing from Paris…

* The other thing that made Budapest feel alien was the fact that you can spend hours upon hours with nary a latin root as far as the eye can see! These people should have been conquered by the Romans better or something. The only respite lay in words like, my favorite, “szandvics” (sound it out). Makes Paris & French feel downright homey.

** bonus points if you know the reference Continue reading



So it is official kids – baring any unforseen issues (with the $$$ or my contractor inspection – both pretty unlikely at this point) my offer on the house I REALLY want has been accepted. I’m moving to the COOLEST part of Valencia (one of my favorite 2 streets in SF (the other being Dolores)) …..

HERE are some pix o’ the place (more than the one in my previous post)… I STRONGLY suggest you look at them, as this is the last time it will look this good no doubt :-).

I’ll be moving in at the end of July (August really) – so expect a party, and ImpromptiQs & movie nights to restart, and general goodness. Woo!!!

I also have expansive plans for new types of ‘Deep social events & public art & great stuff like that – so expect big things! Basically as I told Adrian & Peat: Valencia = BIGGER AUDIENCE. Wooo!


.ps Oh & the guy I was so worried about didn’t even bid. Go fig. My real estate agent & I suspect he was drunk when I overheard him, so we can add a serious strike against as well: drunk driving. Continue reading

I Will Get Outbid… (and “Am I a Horrible Yuppie?”)

Today’s update on the house hunting process…. so I have found a place that I am REALLY excited about. They’ll be taking offers next week. I have an inside shot at getting it. But I won’t.

I met the guy who will outbid me, I just know it. To make things worse he and I share a few similarities that make me squeamish, and then again we have many disimilarities that give me the heebie jeebies (as in ewwww gross!)….. and leave me asking how much of a yuppie scum am I?

Here’s the place:

Continue reading

Is it a Good Day When the Bad News Protects you from the Worse News Caused By The Stupid Thing?

[Note: more of you seem to be interested in my house hunt than I thought, so here is the latest drama. From an email I sent out a few days ago….]

WARNING: This post contains me whining about some difficulties involved while buying a house in San Francisco. This is very similar to Sting complaining about getting hit on too much. My bourgeois-detector is bleeping like mad.

Here is a pic of the place this post is about…

So as you know, I made an offer on a place yesterday. We put together my loan application (from a month ago), and sent it in. Well, this morning I found out I didn’t get it (someone preemptively overbid even higher than my preemptive overbid) That’s bad & sucky. But it turned out to save my ass from the worse news (read on, gentle viewer….) Continue reading

India (1 of 3): The Massi Experience

So 2/3rds of my trip to India were spent visiting my Mom’s sisters & their families. The term for an aunt in Hindi is Massi. My research indicates that Massi’s are strong, sweet, intelligent, understanding women whose ultimate goal in life is to fatten nephews beyond reason and to generally fuss over them no end.

Here are a few amusing moments of my trip into Massi-dom: Continue reading

India (2 of 3): Chasing Tigers

As some of you know, on my recent trip to India, I spent a good bit of time trying to see a tiger at Ranthambore National Park in Rajasthan. After many attempts, this is the tiger as I saw it:

Actually I was pretty happy with that until some folks on the next %$#@#$% safari saw this (BUT NOT ME)

🙂 Oh Well – I had fun hunting anyway…. & I’m pretty lucky to be able to see what I did…

BIG thanks to Stefanie Phillips in Hong Kong for taking the pix! Lucky Bastard! 🙂

India (3 of 3): Dance Off / Freak Show / Guest of Honor Experience

I’m writing this somewhere over the Pacific on the way home from 16 days in LOMP – the Land of My People – India*.

I guess my favorite moment of the trip was the most surreal one & it happened late in my stay. It was this Dance Off / Freak Show (guess who was the freak) / Guest of Honor (guess who was the VIP) Experience at a wedding in Rajasthan. The pinnacle of that pinnacle was a surreal close-dance with a grinning 50 year old Rajasthani man with red betel-nut juice stains on his front teeth to “Who Let the Dogs Out” on 5 hours of sleep. I suggest trying this & trying and not to freak out. Go ahead try it. I dare you. 🙂

I’ll warn you now that this story is a little rambly, and I’m not sure it has a point (or a plot) but it is definitely amusing to me at least. It was one of those great travel moments when you find yourself outside your comfort zone and unexpectedly learn something about the world and the way you move through it…. Continue reading

Tsunami Relief Ideas

Hey folks –

The Red Cross is saying that the death toll from the tsunami could hit 100,000. This more I think about this, the more it breaks my heart.

One of my favorite personal pathologies is avoiding sadness (even those times when it would be good for me) so here’s today’s drug of choice.

The Network For Good site provides a list of various organizations that are doing work in Tsunami relief.

‘deep Continue reading

I, for One, Welcome Our New Republican Overlords*

I’m beginning to think that all of us who voted for Kerry just have a bad attitude. Maybe they’re right – we are “nattering nabobs of negativity”**. Well, I’m going to change my tune, here are things I’m looking forward to from another 4 years of our beloved President:

  1. By cleverly melding the Bible with the U.S. Constitution, civics classes & Sunday school can be integrated, saving time for teaching more important subjects like “Creationism Science” and “A Preschooler’s Guide to Modern Urban and Desert Combat.”
  2. Admit it, having Iraq and Iran side by side on the map was really confusing. (Hell, til about say 1991, you couldn’t remember which was which anyway.) In 4 years or so, no problem: Say “Hello” to Haliburtistan!
  3. Sure, it will probably disrupt our global food supply leading to starvation & wars, and yeah, it will definitely result in even more mass extinctions, but global warming could bring us a warmer, more tropical San Francisco! (& probably more hurricanes bashing %$^&*ing Florida)
  4. An evil, toothless, atrophying regime in Iraq was boring. A ineffective puppet regime nominally presiding over a bloody, terrorist-friendly, fiscal-nightmare quagmire is a PARTY!
  5. After the first four years, there were a few rich people who weren’t better off and a few poor folks who didn’t get the shaft. We’ll get all that straightened out.
  6. Geography, once a national weakness of ours, gets really simple when you divide the world into “Us” and “Them” & with four more years, probably everybody will be “Them.” Think of the savings in map colors!
  7. OK – can any of you actually remember (no looking it up!) each amendment to the Constitution that make up the Bill of Rights? The good news is that you won’t have to anymore!
  8. Well maybe we can’t get around to getting health care for all Americans, or reducing our dependence on foreign oil, or even keeping kids from having too much arsenic or mercury in their water, but damn skippy if we aren’t going to keep all those homos from getting married! Hallelujah!
  9. Roe. v. Wade was what? 1973? 31 years? Can you say: STALE! Hello?! Cluephone!
  10. Being a newly converted Bush supporter, I can stop wasting time on the dumb things I used to do like: THINKING!

Did I miss any? Send ’em in!

*The “I, for One, Welcome Our New **** Overlords” meme is from the Simpsons!
**Evidently this was a Spiro Agnew quote. I coulda sworn I heard it from Reagan though….. Continue reading

Tired. On Chopper. Leaving Saigon.

Wow. I didn’t expect that. I’m writing this in the back of the plane on the way home to blessedly left-wing San Francisco.
Just a couple of thoughts:

  • I guess the polls were right. A razor close election.
  • I guess I was expecting a tiny victory or a landslide victory (because of massive young & undersampled vote).
    I wonder what happened – did the young people not vote? James Carville recently said something like “You know what a they call a campaign that expects to win because of youth vote – ‘a loser’.”
  • Yeah we got massive turnout, but so did they. I wonder if this means the country is massively, equally Dem & Rep – or is this really more about security fears than party affiliation.
  • Arnold went to Ohio. I don’t think I’ll ever forgive him for that.
  • I’m glad I have SF to go home to. Many of my co-campaigners have places like Texas & Georgia to go home to.
  • I have to say that I am proud of what we accomplished in FL and the way we accomplished it. Of all the many volunteer efforts I have ever been involved with, that was the smartest, best organized and most focused. I often get to points in a campaign where I say to myself about some part “This is dumb! I could do this better.” That never happened once here. They were so organized with what they were doing and did it so well, I was always happy to be a foot soldier.
  • A quote from “The Lord of the Rings” that helps me in times like these “Despair is only for those who see the end beyond all doubt.”
  • The only solace I have in my mood of quiet devastation is knowing I did everything I could have.

OH GREAT – I JUST noticed that the woman beside me on the plane is reading “Slander: Liberal Lies About The American Right” by Ann Coulter. Sigh.

She smells like a chemical toilet. All conservatives do.*


*Oooh look! I JUST made “a liberal lie about the American right!” – the back of the plane on the connecting flight had the same problem!

OK – it is now many hours later. I’m on BART (home home home!) – I have to admit we (me and the conservatives sitting beside me) had a remarkably decent & respectful debate about very deeply held beliefs and facts. Thank god they were at least nice people. Continue reading