Burning Man 2006

Hey folks – I just got back from Burning Man & as usual it was a BIG time. I had a lots of fun & some not-so-fun as is my usual at BM. I am left with some pretty interesting thoughts/questions (some even disturbing) & some fantastic images.

As usual, the thing that makes Burning Man the most worthwhile for me, is the creativity:

You MUST HAVE QUICKTIME 7 to Play the Movie


Click here for small version (4.1MB)

A big shout-out to Camp Run-Amok for letting me be a part of their troop.

FD 3 was quite pleasant :-)

Well kids, it’s official: My FlashDance parties are quite pleasant. 🙂 I have come to this conclusion after FD 3 – around 120 people dancing away for a few hours on a gorgeous night at the big plaza in front of the Ferry Building. I thought the last location was the best, but this was maybe even better. This one was a a bit bigger than the last maybe 120 dancing at any given time, maybe 140 showed up over the course of the evening….

I was exhausted, I had spent the night before at the hospital with two of my dearest friends who were giving birth to an adorable little girl & had gotten maybe 3 hours of real sleep that night. But the vibe was so great, the people (you!) were all so fun, and the night was so beautiful, I was brought back from the dead & forced to shake it, as I am wont to do… THANK YOU ALL…..

For those of you who missed it, this here video says it all:


& here are some more pix….. & here is someone else’s blog post (thanks general fuzz!) – complete with YouTube movie!

Continue reading

Woooo! FlashDance 2 was Ridiculous!

So this past weekend I did my second flash mob dance party. The first one was back in November and was a big success. But then rain, followed by rain, with some rain, and yes f%$^&ng rain continued into March & I still never was able to have another one. Then came the slacking, busyness & finally fear of failure to postpone us into June. Yes, lest you think it is impossible, even our redoubtable hero fears the Great Fear (Other Than Sharks): Throwing a party where no one comes! It had been so long since the last, would anyone still be enthusiastic?*


But then a series of events convinced me that a new FD must happen: a series of outdoor dance parties (the How Weird Street fair, followed by Bay To Breakers (House of Lotus rocks!) & Carnivale in the Mission) reminded me that dancing outside to good music is the best thing ever. Plus the fact that every week someone would walk up to me and say “Hey – you’re that flash mob dance party guy. When’s the next one?”

So I decided to go for it & decided fatefully to do it in a VERY public location rather than safely in a park like the last one. I was waffling til my friend Sean (of the Dolores Park Movie Night crew) said “Dude, you’ve already done that! Go for something new!”. Thank god he pushed me!
Continue reading

The ‘Deep Slate: June 2006 Edition

[Ed. Note: 10/31/2015: This “post” was originally a pair of emails (“LIST” & “DETAILS”) I sent to my friends on 06/05/2006. I have posted it today in 2015, and backdated for archival/search purposes]

(my apologies if you get this multiple times & if you don’t want to
get this type of stuff from me, just let me know)

Hey folks –
So here is my ‘Deep Slate for the June 2006 elections.
– This email contains the endorsements in a super-simple list – easy
to print!
– The whys & wherefores are in a second email entitled: “DETAILS”.
I’ll send that out shortly.
– Please feel free to forward this far & wide….

To find your polling place:
554 4375


The key is as follows:
• the more UPPERCASE – the more strongly I feel
• exclamation = don’t get me started!
• * = I don’t know a lot about it & went with the Guardian or
California League of Conservation Voters

Governor: Phil Angelides
Lieutenant Governor: Jackie Speier*
Secretary of State: Debra Bowen*
Controller: Joe Dunn*
Treasurer: Bill Lockyer*
Attorney General: Jerry Brown*
Insurance Commissioner: Cruz Bustamante*
Member, Board of Equalization, District 1: Betty Yee*

United States Representative: Pelosi
State Senator: 12 – bleagh they all suck. yee
Member, State Assembly: JANET REILLY/MARK LENO
Members, County Central Committee
District 12
Susan Hall, Trevor McNeill, Jane Morrison, Melanie Nutter, Connie
O’Connor, Roy Recio, Jason Wong

District 13

Crowley, Rick Galbreath, Michael Goldstein, Laura Spanjian, Holli
Thier, Scott Wiener

Green Party
SUSAN KING, John-Marc Chandonia, Kim Knox, Nancy Lewis, Sue Vaughan,
Patrick Villano

Judge of the Superior Court, Seat #8: Safire
State Superintendent of Public Instruction: JACK O’CONNELL

81: Yes
82: Yes

A: no
B : Yes
C : Yes
D : NO

(my apologies if you get this multiple times & if you don’t want to
get this type of stuff from me, just let me know)

These are the details of my ‘Deep Slate endorsements – to see it in
simple list form see the other email entitled: “LIST”.

Since this is a primary election for state offices mostly, I don’t
presume that I know tons of details about the state issues, as most
of you know most of my political work and activity is at the local,
San Francisco level. Thus some of the endorsements below are taken
from compiling what the California League of Conservation Voters, the
SF Bay Guardian, and the Sierra Club have had to say.

Thanks again to the number of folks who have asked me for my opinions
– I know I say it every time but it is quite true – I really am
honored – any questions or flames can, of course, be addressed to me….

Ok – so to figure out how to value my opinions you should know the

• My opinions come from my experience in local politics over the past
10 years & the tons of candidate interviews I’ve done with the San
Francisco League of Conservation Voters & all the lobbying I’ve done
at City Hall, etc etc…. As you know I don’t get a dime for this,
I’m a software engineer by day, and a political activist in my spare
• The 3 biggest “norths” of my political compass are
environmentalism, social justice issues & good government (reform
type) issues.
• I’m basically an idealist, an optimist, and a humanist.
• In some of these races it is a matter of picking between flawed
• Ballot measures are really a bad way to govern. One reason is that
you have to boil complex issues down to yes/no votes – so remember
there is often a lot of balancing going on…..
• I’m President of the San Francisco League of Conservation Voters &
on the Board of Directors of the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition.
While my views are definitely shaped by my activities in these
organizations, my endorsements do not represent the views of these
• 90% of my experience & knowledge is about local issues – so
understand that state issues are a little greyer for me unless I say

Primary Elections
Governor: Phil Angelides
Westly isn’t bad, but Angelides has been consistently smart about a
lot of issues and a really good environmental and other issues.
Particularly impressive to me is the fact that Angelides will
actually talk about raising taxes to fix all the budget woes of our
state. Crazy talk from a politician – using logic and all. He is
big on smart urban development and is actively pushing for clean
energy. Done. Vote for him already. Sierra Club, CLCV, Guardian all
big on him.

To be honest, on all of these I went with the California League of
Conservation Voters & the SF Bay Guardian:
Lieutenant Governor: Jackie Speier*
Secretary of State: Debra Bowen*
Controller: Joe Dunn*
Treasurer: Bill Lockyer*
Attorney General: Jerry Brown*
Insurance Commissioner: Cruz Bustamante*
Member, Board of Equalization, District 1: Betty Yee*
State Superintendent of Public Instruction: Jack O’Connell*

United States Representative: Nancy Pelosi

State Senator: 12 – bleagh they all suck. yee
I find it hard to endorse Leland Yee after all the outright lies he
told during the Central Freeway battles, but from my reading, he is
the best of a weak bunch.

Member, State Assembly: JANET REILLY/MARK LENO
FINALLY two an endorsements I can really get behind. Most of you are
in Mark Leno’s district, and this is a no brainer. Mark has been a
great and consistent progressive voice and leader at the State level
on lots of good environmental and social issues. He’s also very hard
working and a pleasure to work with – I would think even for people
he disagrees with. Done.

As for the other race, I really hope some of you live in the 12th
assembly district because Janet Reilly REALLY needs to win – two
reasons: Fiona Ma is REALLY (one of if not the worst environmental,
tenants rights, social issue votes on the Board of Supes) and Janet
Reilly, while not super experienced, is super progressive for the
West side of town – she’s also got a pretty smart plan for single
payer health care, a really good environmental agenda, and is
generally bright and capable.

NOTE: California League of Conservation Voters (not the SF League of
Conservation Voters) – after a really strong interview by Reilly and
a really weak interview by Ma, bowed to external political pressure &
gave a SUPER LAME dual endorsement. UUUUGH – to one of the WORST
enviro voters in SF no less!

Democratic & Green County Central Committees
The Democratic County Central Committee does 2 important things –
works to register Democratic voters, and decides the official
Democratic Party endorsements. The latter is the more important in a
town that is already 70+ % Democratic. Since so many people vote Dem
in SF, the offical Party endorsements are a big deal.
These are my endorsements based on interviews with almost all of
these folks, and a lot of discussions at the SF League of
Conservation Voters. The Green Party endorsements are similarly
important but I know less about it. I take my cue from my good
friend and activist Susan King who is a long time Green Party
activist and who I trust on Green Party issues entirely (keep up the
great work Susan!)
Democratic County Central Committee
District 12
Susan Hall, Trevor McNeill, Jane Morrison, Melanie Nutter, Connie
O’Connor, Roy Recio, Jason Wong

Democratic County Central Committee
District 13
Crowley, Rick Galbreath, Michael Goldstein, Laura Spanjian, Holli
Thier, Scott Wiener

Green Party County Central Committee
SUSAN KING, John-Marc Chandonia, Kim Knox, Nancy Lewis, Sue Vaughan,
Patrick Villano

Judge of the Superior Court, Seat #8: Eric Safire*
To be honest I don’t know much about Eric Safire – but i do know that
Lilian Sing is mostly just a political opportunist though perhaps a
decent judge – that being said this damning anti-Safire quote from
the right-wing-for-San-Francisco Save Our City toadie group pretty
much sums up why I’ll vote for Safire “Opposing her [Sing] is a far
left advocate (endorsed by the Tenant’s Union, the Guardian and the
SF Green Party)” – oooooh! Axis of Evil!

81: Yes – Library Bonds: Spending bond money to build Libraries – is
um….. what bond money is for – paying for good needed services for
all the people of the state.
82: Yes – Preschool Education & Tax on The Wealthy: Raising taxes on
societies most wealthy to fund universal preschool for everyone?
Yes. Even if you are hesitant about the idea of picking one group to
tax more than others (which I’m not, but i can understand), please
remember that the past 6 years in the US (& then the entire Reagan &
Bush year’s prior) have been ALL about the massive transfer of wealth
from the poor and middle class to the rich! So this is only a SMALL
local, not-even-fair reversal. Vote yes.

A: no. Homicide Prevention Funding in the City Charter: This is an
important idea – spending more money ($10 million) for reducing the
violence and death in SF’s poorest neighborhoods, but is a bad way
(enshrining this funding level in the City charter) to get there.
Basically changing the City Charter to set aside dedicated funding
for one project is rarely a good idea. It means that if you change
your mind later you have to go back to the ballot to do it – you
can’t just do it at the Board of Supervisors like normal
legislation. I don’t like it – even though many of my favorite Supes
are for it.

B : Yes. Eviction Disclosure for Home Sales: All this does is require
people who sell buildings to disclose any evictions that they did to
get the building to market. More information is almost always a good
thing in my book. It is not particularly onerous to sellers to
provide this info (trust me one more tiny document is NO big deal –
I’ve done it).

C : Yes. Transbay Joint Powers Board and the Mayor: This measure is
really designed to do 1 thing. Get Mayor Newsom to pay attention to
the Transbay Building so San Francisco can FINALLY get its one stop
transit hub (BART meets Caltrain meets Muni meets AC Transit) that so
many of us have been working so hard on for so long. It also gives
the Board of Supes a little more say on the project. To be honest,
its not the best from a policy standpoint, but this a purely
political maneuver designed to get out attention-disorder mayor to
actually DO SOMETHING good on environmental stuff rather than talk a
lot and do nothing (or do BAD things like his Saturday-closure-of-JFK

D : NO Laguna Honda & Public Health Zoning: Hidden underneath the
fairly legitimate concern about the fact that Laguna Honda (allocated
for taking care of the elderly) has increasingly also become used for
treating the violently disturbed, this measure is actually bad
policy. This measure attempts to change the ZONING (that’s a weird
way to change HEALTH POLICY) to force how Laguna Honda is used – so
if we ever change our minds or want to make new uses of Laguna Honda
– we would have to take it to the ballot. This is just DUMB public
policy – that is what the Board of Supes is for! This is why I
dislike Proposition politics.

The other more sinister thing about Prop D is that it also changes
all public zoning for public health care facilities to allow private
health care facilities to be built on those sites… thus potential
getting rid of public health care sites! Why would this be in the
Laguna Honda bill? – to benefit Joe O’Donohue – one of the sleaziest
developers in SF and a big backer of this measure. Yuck.

February update: PillowFight!

So I’ve been meaning to post something for a while but have been WAAAAY to busy/crazy….. I’ll get better I promise.

In the mean time, a bunch of people have asked me about this month’s Pillowfight in SF….

It was awesome – a flashmob pillowfight on Valentines day! The Chronicle said it was like 1000 people 🙂

Here are some good pix

I even found some with ME in them…… sadly it looks like I pillowfight like a girl:

from flickr

from flickr

Here are a bunch of my fav pix from flickr….. (or just go to flickr & search for pillowfight – it had to be the most blogged thing on the west coast on Valentine’s Day 🙂 )


And for more info on what excatly it was, click here or go to the wikipedia article. Continue reading

The Birth of FLASHDANCE – my flash mob dance party*

(larger versions of these pix below…)

On my last trip to Paris, my cousin showed me places along the Seine where almost almost every night they had a free open-air salsa dance party…. He explained that people just started doing it & it had become an institution…. I began dreaming of ways to do it in SF….

Then this Halloween, my Disco Ball costume became a walking street dance party & I had MANY MANY hours of spontaneous dance fun with complete strangers… I realized I could make my own dance party dammit!

So I did what any geek would do – I made a website; I sent out email to everyone I knew & I collected enabling technology 🙂

The idea was simple: I’d pick a spot; send out an email telling people when to show up at the aforementioned spot; & then I would meet them at said spot with a sound system. Much boogie would ensue. It was just so crazy it just might work. 🙂 I call this idea FLASHDANCE – my flash mob dance party.

Within a few days I had 90 sign ups for my list. Within a week I had 275. People were waaaaay into it. It was time to try the first one… Continue reading

Why Does Music Cut To Your Soul (or Crying?! at U2 Concerts)?

It happened again. I may lose my Manly-Man card*. I saw one of my favorite bands in the world yesterday, U2, in Oakland….. When they were about 3/4 through their set, they played “Miss Sarajevo” and then were talking about The Universal Declaration of Human Rights & torture. I found my self getting really sad and angry at the state of the world (Dick Cheney, Go to hell. Seriously) & then they kicked into a beautiful & rockin’ version of “Pride in the Name of Love”. I found myself crying at a rock concert… Continue reading

A Few Thoughts on Marriage & Commitment

[Ed. Note: Here are some thoughts from this weekend. It was my best friend’s wedding (it was fantastic!) & it got me thinking a lot about marriage. What follows is a slightly cleaned up version of my remarks from the ceremony itself… I also want to mention that I am touched by how many people liked what I had to say – I’m not someone to whom emotional wisdom comes to naturally – what little I have has been very hard fought :-)]

I’ve been thinking a lot about marriage lately, as I’ve been to numerous weddings in my life, but this one hits really close to home. The term that comes to mind, for many of us, when we think of marriage is commitment. And that means lots of things to lots of people, but I’ve begun to think, that the idea of commitment that we think of, when we think of marriage, is misplaced. We tend to think of the commitment to be with someone for the rest of their lives; we think of the commitment to be faithful to that person for the rest of our lives. And while those are important to many people, and important parts of many marriages, I don’t think that they are the central commitment that marriage is about. I think there is a deeper primary commitment. And that’s briefly what I wanted to talk about.

It seems to me that in all of our relationships, with everyone in the world, everyone we come into contact with, we are faced with a choice when we come to times of conflict. There are always conflicts, there are always going to be crises, and there are always going to be minor annoyances. The thing that I’ve learned is that with each of these conflicts there comes a choice: To turn towards that person, and open to that person and be very vulnerable to that person, or to turn away. There is not always a right or a wrong answer. There are times when you should turn to the person you are in conflict with. There are times that you should turn away. There are relationships that are not to be part of your life, just as there are relationships that are to be part of your life.

It seems to me that the central commitment that these two lovely people are making, and that is important, is a commitment to always turn towards each other and always open, no matter how vulnerable that makes them. That’s a great challenge. I think that means that as the two you grow, and as the conflicts arise or don’t arise, you are committing to open to each other and be vulnerable, and to say “Ok, this hurts, but I’m here, and I’m open to you” and that is a really beautiful thing and I love you both. Continue reading

Why I Love My President (Hurricane Katrina Aftermath)

I’ve been following all of this Katrina madness avidly. I could go off on so many things…. but here are today’s:

George W. Bush on Friday 9/2/05:

We’ve got a lot of rebuilding to do. First, we’re going to save lives and stabilize the situation. And then we’re going to help these communities rebuild. The good news is — and it’s hard for some to see it now — that out of this chaos is going to come a fantastic Gulf Coast, like it was before. Out of the rubbles of Trent Lott’s house — he’s lost his entire house — there’s going to be a fantastic house. And I’m looking forward to sitting on the porch. (Laughter.)

here’s the link

& then there are his hiring decisions

FEMA head Mike Brown was “asked to resign” from his last job: the head of National Arabian Horse Association.

here’s the link

Funny. And SOOOO not funny.

Man I wish I was making this up. Continue reading

My Favorite Thing(s) from my trip to Europe

Here are the quick & dirty highlights from my trip to Paris – but if you really want to see many more cool pix of Paris & Budapest – you should go here….

Paris seems to have discovered my love for all things glam & sparkly (& no, it doesn’t quite do it justice – but it is still awesome) & is my Favorite New Thing from this trip to Paris:

movie thumbnail

Click here to watch the movie (2.5MB)

I also enjoyed viewing the end of the Tour De France from my mobile viewing platform rented from the city no less)….

movie thumbnail

Click here to watch the movie (8.3MB)

The “mobile moving platform” was VERY cool – basically the city of Paris rents bikes for reasonable rates from various locations around town & also from a bus that sets up at special events! I did a good bit of biking in both cities…. Here is a shot from Budapest…

The other thing I loved about Paris & even Budapest was that since the cities were bigger – things were up and available til all hours. My cousin & I did a LOT of dancing – which rocked…. < PEEVE MODE >And before any of you SFer’s go – “yeah I wish…”- how often do you go out late? < PEEVE MODE OFF >

Again, for all my favorite pix from Paris (& Budapest) click on over to my pix page…. Continue reading