Dances with Pinnipeds


How To Survive Clam Wielding Sea Gulls…

After sucky Friday & a lame Saturday, I decided to go visit my friend Delphine, a vet at the Marine Mammal Center (yep. “Delphine” works with “marine mammals”… perhaps my atheism is ill-considered). Anyway, I hopped on my bike (on a sunny warm! December day) & headed to the bridge for what turned into a truly fantastic Sunday…

click any of the images to see more

  • found a heron being all picturesque

  • took the shot of the heron, & the second I did, a sea gull hit me. with a clam. hard. does my head look like a rock?… ok. fine. but it still didn’t have to hit me with a clam.
  • crossed the bridge, hung with some deer
  • made it to the MMC, CUTENESS abounded!
  • Fur seals are a BADLY NAMED type of sea lion! Because it’s not confusing enough! (ears & leg-like flippers = sea lion)

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