Trikeasaurus 1.0 is dead. The trailblazing tricycle of my affections can cart sound systems no more. She will be sadly missed. A moment of silence for the beast that sparked many a FlashDance and brought many many smiles to San Francisco (& me!)
Being a simple recreational trike, she was never really physically capable of the hard riding being Trikeasaurus required, but damn if she didn’t make a good try. Bent seat posts, broken fenders, and now finally, a cracked rear axle have taken a toll.
The cracks* in the axle have more to do with my new speaker-mount rig (super awesomely heavy duty, but alas too heavy) than the trike itself, but it just reinforced the fact that this light duty recreational trike was never designed for the kind of wear and tear I put it through…..
Fear not, Trike-fans! I’ve ordered a new Worksman industrial grade tricycle** to become Trikeasaurus 2.0. Trike 1.0 – we’ll miss ya!
*I’m planning on trying to get the cracks in the axle welded so it can be given/donated/sold to someone as it is still a useful light duty tricycle….
**I’m getting a “Mover“
RIP tri. 🙁
Wow, I’d always assumed the Trikeasaurus was indestructible while marvelling at your ability to pedal up SF’s hills lugging all that audio gear behind you! Sad to hear that it finally succumbed.
I was wondering where you and the Trike were. I did my best, but my Bilenky couldn’t hold down the whole Mass, even though it was a modest turnout following dire forecasts of rain. We’ll be looking for you at Sunday Streets in March.
Wow, cool site. I just spec’d out a $3,150 tricycle.
Fun stuff though, looking forward to the next event!
T’saurus one will be reborn as a mobile collaborative art studio! The art don’t stop.