After FlashDance 20 (& dancing at Bootie afterwards) Saturday night, I was too much of a sluggolith to make it to the early parts of the always awesome Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Easter Bonnet Contest & Hunky Jesus Contest. Though I did fly by for a brief dose of Easter … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2009
FD20 Copless & Happy
After the po-po frustrations of FD19, I decided to try to get over the bad taste in my mouth by just hitting it again. The very NEXT weekend! (click the image to see all the pix) It worked! FD20 was another excellent time. I think it was a little smaller … Continue reading
Dear SF Po-Po, why do you keep trying to put the SMACKDOWN on me? I am just trying to use my powers for AWESOME. Really. So Saturday night’s FlashDance 19 was just kicking into STUPENDOUS-FUN gear and suddenly 6-8 cops showed up and put a SMACKDOWN on us. One was … Continue reading
Get THEE on Facebook!
(or “The One SIMPLE REASON You Need to Be On Facebook”) I’ve been thinking a lot about Facebook lately, and why it is so great. Not iPhone-great, but almost Wikipedia-great: it has changed the way I use the web, and my life in the real world is richer because of … Continue reading
Color + Indians + Fun = Holi
So… there are many fun Indian traditions and holidays…. and I’ve gotten to do none of them. Zilch. None. Never. Until yesterday 🙂 For some reason, as a child we skipped all the fun Indian activities and holidays. It was probably for a lot of reasons, but fundamentally maybe there … Continue reading
GLAM of the Dead 40th Birthday Party!
Here is a handy FAQ about my 40th Birthday bash, held this past weekend: Q: Did you have fun? A: Woooooooooooo! Woooooooooooo! STILL BASKING! I hope some of you had at least half as munch fun as I did. SO. MUCH. FUN. Q: How many people showed up? A: I’d … Continue reading
Pillows, Mayhem, Trikeasaurus, and the UNITED NATIONS?
SF Valentine’s Day Pillow Fight 2009 For the past 3 years on Valentine’s Day here in SF, there has been a MASSIVE flash-mob pillow fight. They have all been moste excellente, but this one was even more vast than the last two… This video, taken from high above, does it … Continue reading
My Birthday Party is in 2 Weeks – You Comin?
You better! Here is the Facebook Link to the Invite RSVP on the invite, por favor!
Liner Notes for My 30s
Hey kids – I turned 40 today! Frijoles! I decided to make compilation album to celebrate and as a gift to my friends. Here are the liner notes. If you want any of the music (or the whole CD) drop me a line… I’ll have an iMix ready soon. In … Continue reading
A New New Year’s Tradition: Bike+Music Ride, Nap, Breakfast of Champions
Every year around New Year’s, I have a hard time deciding what to do from all the various options. Last New Year was a debacle (long story, not interesting)… so in addition to being terribly torn, I also wanted to have more fun than last year. But what to do? … Continue reading