Dear SF Po-Po, why do you keep trying to put the SMACKDOWN on me? I am just trying to use my powers for AWESOME. Really.
So Saturday night’s FlashDance 19 was just kicking into STUPENDOUS-FUN gear and suddenly 6-8 cops showed up and put a SMACKDOWN on us. One was especially super f&%ng aggro: Before even saying word one, he had already plowed through one of my speakers and then started grabbing at cables on the back of my rig to yank them out. NOT COOL.
I should say that I’ve had numerous run-ins with the cops both on Trikeasaurus and with FlashDance. Most have been pretty good experiences – most cops have been pretty cool and either allow me to continue on my merry way or explain why I have to stop (& I do) in a reasonable fashion. But every once in a while, I get a real jerk and Saturday night was one of them. Ugh. I don’t like being shut down, but I can handle it. However, being an ass about it IS NOT OK.
The reason I was shut down? Amplified sound without a permit. Grr – I can get into the reasons why this was pretty irrelevant where and when we were at, but I won’t.
The best line of the night was one of the nicer cops sincerely asking, as she looked out at the 80-100 people who she had JUST stopped from joyfully dancing away, “Don’t you guys have anything better to do on a Saturday night?
Two things helped salvage the night:
– The fact that maybe 50-60 folks got my SMS messages and showed up Dolores Park where we rocked out til 10! Excellent energy and fun as always. The cops showed up there too, but were MUCH nicer. (If you are an FDer and ARE NOT getting SMS message on your phone please sign up**!)
– My friend Kelleth’s cute little girls dancing away merrily and thanking me afterwards (like CRAZY cute!)
But enough bummer. I have been trying to get this bad taste out of my mouth for two days now and now I realize the only way to do that is to IMMEDIATELY DO ANOTHER FLASHDANCE THIS WEEKEND.
Yep – that’s right: THIS SATURDAY. FLASHDANCE 20. We’ll be taking it to one of the best and safest locales: Ferry Building. More info SOON. I hope you can come. 🙂 I can’t wait 🙂
* Also I’m starting to look into legal protections – any lawyers out there? My friend Doug Herbek, a lawyer, using his powers for AWESOME, has already started investigating. Preliminary results don’t look good though. Anyone else want to strategize with Doug?
** To get SMS notifications on your phone, you can EITHER:
– Just send an SMS message that says “FLASHDANCE†to 41411. (This uses TextMarks.com)
– OR for all you TWITTER heads, just send the message “follow deepasaurus†to 40404 or you can also do “follow deep@worker-bee.com†from Twitter.com
- Flash – Queen
- SOS – Rihanna
- Hombre is in the groove (Deelite vs M.I.A.) – DJ Prince mashup
- Livin’ la Vida Loca – Ricky Martin
- N.A.S.A. Music (LA Riots Remix) – N.A.S.A.
- Hung Up – Madonna
- Ching – Swami
- Supafunkadholic (Esjay’s Red Light Remix) – Delhi 2 Dublin
- Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It) – Beyoncé
- Like A Prayer – Madonna
- American Boy (feat. Kanye West) – Estelle
- Believe In Sexual Eruption (Snoop Dogg Vs. Cher) – A Plus D
- Get Down On It – Kool & The Gang
- Mundeya De Dil Hil Gaye – Kais Feat. D.S.I.
- Kids – MGMT
- Boyz – M.I.A.
- Electric Feel – MGMT
- Lady Marmalade – Christina Aguilera, Lil’ Kim, Mya & P!nk
- September – Earth, Wind & Fire
- Gold Digger (Featuring Jamie Foxx) – Kanye West
- Sexual Healing – Max-A-Million
- Beware of the Boys [Mundian To Bach Ke] – Panjabi MC
- Starry Eyed Surprise – Oakenfold
- I’m Coming Out – Diana Ross
The cops were just an entertaining intermission in yet another heaping helping of AWESOME FD action! Don’t we have something more conformist to do on a Saturday night? No. We don’t. Hello FlashDance 20!
Hey deep, this is Adam from Cary NC. I want to be on ur email list so I can show up to the dances!
There may not be legal counteractions to the asshole cop but we CAN get his name and badge number and complain about him. Unnecessary aggressiveness is worth rooting out of the police force. Here it’s only a few messed up cables or equipment. In the Bayview it’s assault and violence.
That cop that started ripping things out of the speaker was really not cool. On the plus side I saw Dolores park for the fist time. Such a good playground, going back there later for sure. I loved dancing on the boat under the stars!
it was a tad frustrating, but hey, aint it all part of the process. i felt a bit of compassion for the female cop as she was carrying it all too personal; she spoke as fools do. as for you, fabulous! and carried yourself like a king, even with a bit of kindness. i’m sorry it caused suffering, but i’m glad it was; i love flash dance.
ya that cop wasnt cool…was very aggressive and unhappy..even before he walked in which was strange and unnecessary….yay to flashdance 20!!!!..and awesome continues….
You love requests (for your dance playlist), so how about playing Mitwa from Lagaan?! Tthere’s parallels in the storyline of the vitality of the human spirit going head-on against menacing power. Like Buhvan, let music inspire strenght to defend Flashdance and Deepistan. Bravo for not letting this cop’s attitude change your belief about all that is good about urbanity and the necessary role of song and dance within it. “This land is ours, so is the sky…He who has truth and courage in his heart, it is he who shall win in the end”…
Here is a video montage of the pics I took.
Good quality:
The Guardian just wrote about the “death of fun” linking to this post.
Keep up the good work, ‘deep
great Guardian article. I have to say again — did the movie Footloose and the entire history of rock and roll teach people nothing?
geez, music wins, every time.
LOL Liz!
“did the movie Footloose and the entire history of rock and roll teach people nothing?”
Hmm… I guess this means I’m going to put in the song ‘Footloose’ as a request for this upcoming FD!!!!