So I was just thinking: in the past few weeks I have:
- Looked up info on “The Shining” after we watched it.
- Looked up the history of the term “salad days“
- Looked up the history of the term “red tape” because it came up
- Looked up “Neil LaBute” because Jon Stewart mentioned him – referring to other candidates ganging up on Hilary at a debate
- Looked up the song “Bela Lugosi’s Dead” because Celeste was singing it
- Looked up “Pyrolysis” because PG&E was talking about converting cow manure into bio-fuel
- Was wondering who came up withe the original Apple logo & thus learned about Rob Janoff
- Was curious about the old BeOS
- Read about Jeff Lynne because I was in a major Electric Light Orchestra mood.
- Was curious about when “aesthete” came to mean “gay” – or was that just in my head since a Tom Stoppard play I saw a few years back (“The Invention of Love“) – turns out it may have just been in my head (& in that play)
- Heard somebody say that Phil Donahue was taken off the air for being critical of the government, so I checked it out
- Read about the assasination of Ngo Dinh Diem because I was bored & saw it on the front page of Wikipedia
- Looked up “Dirty Sanchez” because Jon Stewart mentioned it
- Wondered about Michael Jackson’s upcoming album & general info about the Jackson 5
- Fed my appetite for “Harry Potter” “writing of” info
- Looked up “Last Night a DJ Saved My Life” because I was wondering who sang it
Look through your browser history. Maybe you’ll find something similar…. So the Wikipedia folks are having a fundraiser right now. Seems like a good thing to donate to.

I totally forgot about BeOS!
And if you haven’t checked out conservapedia, it has moments of awesomeness:
Oops! Here’s the link: