So 37 was the year I realized how, exactly, I was Indian (see my blog for details), and for about 8 years I’ve been all about the GLAM, so it was pretty fitting that my 38th birthday was GLAMIndian!  Big thanks to the approximately 5000 people (Ok, not quite that many, but DAMN) who made it such a blast.  I hope you all had as much fun as I did!  My apologies to all the GLAMsters whose pictures I didn’t get - but thanks for a GREAT time!  (and please send me additional pix if you have ‘em)
GLAMIndian Birthday Party 2007
Your host (Costume #1)
The dancing rocked...
... but there were A LOT.....
... of people in....
... my house :-)
Team Gold
Vicki & TR
Costume 2 (damn, still gold on my head)
Kira & Costume 3
Catherine looked AMAZING as is her wont
Liz & Adrian (Wow Liz!)
Tom: Glam + Indian + linebacker?
Konal (hey I did it!) & Lisa were fab
Ellen IS fabulous
Big points for GLAM & Indian
SOME other Indians understood GLAM
WOW = Gretchen
Joui & Andrew looked amazing
Nice Sari work
Luckily somebody had some Real Bhangra
Bob & Isabelle
German, Jewish détente
Doug & Alpesh
Attempting to take off the gold
part II
part III
Rachel (SFBC represent!)
Lisa & Sheri
Grace & the lucky Ganesh
break time
Dancing with Ellen
Amber hid her fabulousness
Work it May!
Cath & I (still have gold on my face)
Sleepy, yet still glam
At some point I only knew SOME of the people :-O
 Luckily FEMA won’t be involved in the cleanup