The ‘Deep Slate: March 2024 Voting Guide


The latest edition of my San Francisco & California Voter Guide.

Howdy campers! It’s that time again: Election time!

There are numerous important ballot measures on the ballot, affecting housing, policing & the mental health/homeless crisis, so please vote!

As if that were not enough, the political war between SF “moderates” and “progressives” is in full swing, in leading up to the November presidential election, to secure power and shape the course of that heavy-turnout election.

If you want me to email you this (no spam!), every SF election cycle, send me an email & I’ll add you to my email list.



.ps Wondering things like: What is this? How did I come up with these? Click here. Wanna know where to vote? Or stuff about Oakland or San Jose? Click here.

.pps BIG THANKS to all of you who asked for my recommendations over the years. I’m truly honored by your interest! And HUGE thanks to Kimberly, my lovely wife, for proofreading this and also for being so supportive of all my meetings and involvements!

.pps: Don’t forget to #votingstickerselfie AFTER YOU VOTE! (Take a pic with your voting sticker on your nose & hashtag it as #votingstickerselfie everywhere you can!)

OK – let’s do this!



  • If you just want this list as a handy, printable text version, just click here.
  • The more CAPITALS, the more strongly I feel about it – especially on ballot measures.
  • Click the title link to jump to the details for that item.
  • Click here to download plain text version.


President: Joe Biden

DCCC 17: (14 open seats):

  • Carrie Barnes
  • Trevor Chandler
  • Emma Heiken
  • Michael Lai
  • Jane Kim
  • Bilal Mahmood
  • Michael Nguyen
  • Joe Sangirardi
  • Frank Tizedes
  • Lyn Werbach
  • Luis Zamora

DCCC 19: (10 open seats):

  • Sara Barz
  • Daniel Calamuci
  • Mike Chen
  • Jen Nossokoff
  • Brian Quan

US Senate Full Term: Barbara Lee
US Senate Partial Term:
Barbara Lee
Congress D11:
Nancy Pelosi


State Senator D11: Scott Wiener
State Assembly D17: Matt Haney
State Assembly D19: Catherine Stefani

Prop 1: Mental Health Bonds Authorization: YES


Superior Court, Seat 1: Michael Isaku Begert
Superior Court, Seat 13: Patrick S. Thompson

Prop A: San Francisco Affordable Housing Bonds: YES
Prop B: Police Staffing: NO
Prop C: Temporary Transfer Tax Exemption for Office to Residential Conversions: YES
Prop D: Ethics Policy Changes: Yes
Prop E: Policing Policy Changes & Meeting Requirements: NO
Prop F: Drug Screening for CAAP Benefits: NO
Prop G: Teaching Algebra in 8th Grade: no/yes doesn’t matter

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The ‘Deep Slate: November 2022 Voting Guide


The latest edition of my San Francisco & California Voter Guide…

Last Update: 10:48AM 11/01/2022. Finished Version 1.03.2

Ok everybody – here it is, my latest Deep Slate. This one was a doozy to write (so long!) and things were chaos here at home, along with an intense period at my job, and also major Halloween costume work:

Screenshot 2022 11 01 at 12 23 08 AM
But it’s a CRITCIALLY important election here in SF (as well as nationally — eeeeeek Republicans!). If you get nothing else out of this, please VOTE NO on I, YES on J, N, and L!!!!

And if you want me to email you this (no spam!), every SF election cycle, send me an email & I’ll put you on my email list.



.ps: Wondering things like: What is this? How did I come up with these? Click here. Wanna know where to vote? Or stuff about Oakland or San Jose? Click here.

.pps: BIG THANKS to all of you who have asked for my recommendations over the years. I’m truly honored by your interest! And HUGE thanks to Kimberly, my lovely wife, for proofreading this and also for being so supportive of all my meetings and involvements!

.pps: Don’t forget to #votingstickerselfie AFTER YOU VOTE! (Take a pic with your voting sticker on your nose & hashtag it as #votingstickerselfie everywhere you can!)

OK – let’s do this!


(Click the title for details on each endorsement, Click here to download plain text version.)


  • If you just want this list as a handy, printable text version, just click here.
  • The more CAPITALS, the more strongly I feel about it – especially on ballot measures.
  • Click the title link to jump to the details for that item.


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The ‘Deep Slate: My June 2022 Voting Guide



The latest edition of my San Francisco & California Voter Guide…

Yep. Two San Francisco elections down this year and 2 more to go, including this one. Yeah, it’s a lot – we had a special election for the School Board recall, then an April election, now this primary election & finally, in November, there will be the general election. And yes – you did vote for some of these folks already this year because of the primaries. ¯\_(?)_/¯ 

Nonetheless, there are numerous important things on the ballot – so…



.ps Wondering things like: What is this? How did I come up with these? Click here. Wanna know where to vote? Or stuff about Oakland or San Jose? Click here.

.pps BIG THANKS to all of you who asked for my recommendations over the years. I’m truly honored by your interest! And HUGE thanks for Kimberly, my lovely wife, for proofreading this and also for being so supportive of all my meetings and involvements!

.pps: Don’t forget to #votingstickerselfie AFTER YOU VOTE! (Take a pic with your voting sticker on your nose & hashtag it as #votingstickerselfie everywhere you can!)

OK – let’s do this!


(Click the title for details on each endorsement)


Senate (Full Term): Alex Padilla
Senate (Partial Term): Alex Padilla
House of Representatives (D11): Nancy Pelosi
House of Representatives (D15): Kevin Mullin


Governor: Gavin Newsom
Lt. Governor: Eleni Kounalakis
Secretary of State: Shirley Weber
Controller: Ron Galperin
Treasurer: Ugh No.
Attorney General: Rob Bonta
Insurance Commissioner: Marc Levine
Board of Equalization District 2: Abstain
Superintendent of Public Instruction: Tony Thurmond
CA Assembly (D17): Matt Haney
CA Assembly (D19): Phil Ting


City Attorney: David Chiu

Prop A: Muni Reliability and Street Safety Bond: YES
Prop B: Building Inspection Commission Reform: Yes
Prop C: Recall Reform: YES
Prop D: Duplicative Office of Victims Rights: No
Prop E: Behested Payments Limits: Yes
Prop F: Garbage and Disposal Contract Oversight: Yes
Prop G: Public Health Emergency Leave: no
Prop H: YASR (Yet Another Stupid Recall): NO


  • If you just want this list as a handy, printable text version, just click here.
  • The more CAPITALS, the more strongly I feel about it – especially on ballot measures.
  • Click the title link to jump to the details for that item.

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The ‘Deep Slate: My February 2022 Voting Guide


Hi folks. Unless you’re an SFUSD parent, this election probably feels like a snooze-fest… but if the last 10 years have taught us anything, it’s that voting is IMPORTANT and democracy shouldn’t be taken for granted. Please GO VOTE!

(Also it’s a really short ballot this time! 🙂 )


.ps: Continue the tradition: #votingstickerselfie AFTER YOU VOTE: Take a pic with your voting sticker on your nose & hashtag it as #votingstickerselfie!

.pps: If you…

  • Like what you read, please do let me know! Questions, criticisms, comments welcome!
  • Want to know where to vote, am I registered?, has my ballot been counted? etc, jump to the Extras below
  • Want to get an email when I post the next ‘Deep Slate, email me!


Every San Francisco election cycle, I put out my “‘Deep Slate” voter guide. This post is my guide for this election!

The format of this post is:

  1. The LIST: the simple list of my endorsements for this election.
  2. The DETAILS: the whys and wherefores of each endorsement. This is how I arrived at each position.
  3. My VALUES: a brief explanation of my values and sources, to help make sense of my opinions.
  4. Sources: a collection of my sources and a tiny bit about how I arrive at my endorsements.
  5. Extras: If you want to know where to vote, or want to find older ‘Deep Slates, or some Oakland/San Jose stuff…

Also note that a few days after the election, you can come back and check the RESULTS by clicking here.


Thanks, as always, to the number of folks who have asked me for my opinions. I say it every time but it is quite true: I really am honored by your interest.

And big props to my lovely wife, for proofreading this and also for being so supportive of all my meetings and involvements!

So without further preamble, let’s dive in! (damn, that was a lot of preamble)

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The ‘Deep Slate: My November 2020 Voting Guide


Wow. This feels like the election of my lifetime… and maybe of my 5 year old’s lifetime too. And that would be true even if 2020 had been a *normal* year.

Be strong. Be safe. Be kind. Let’s get this done. GO VOTE!


.ps: Continue the tradition: #votingstickerselfie AFTER YOU VOTE: Take a pic with your voting sticker on your nose and hashtag it as #votingstickerselfie!

.pps: If you…

  • Like what you read, please do let me know! Questions, criticisms, comments welcome!
  • Want to know where to vote, am I registered?, has my ballot been counted? etc, jump to the Extras below.
  • Want to get an email when I post the next ‘Deep Slate, just email me!

.ppps: Oakland? or San Jose? check out the Extras section.


Every San Francisco election cycle, I put out my “‘Deep Slate” voter guide. This post is my guide for this election!

The format of this post is:

  1. The LIST: the simple list of my endorsements for this election.
  2. The DETAILS: the whys and wherefores of each endorsement. This is how I arrived at each position.
  3. My VALUES: a brief explanation of my values and sources, to help make sense of my opinions.
  4. Sources: a collection of my sources and a tiny bit about how I arrive at my endorsements.
  5. Extras: If you want to know where to vote, or want to find older ‘Deep Slates, or some Oakland/San Jose stuff…

Also note that a few days after the election, you can come back and check the RESULTS by clicking here.


Thanks, as always, to the number of folks who have asked me for my opinions. I say it every time but it is quite true: I really am honored by your interest.

And big props to my lovely wife, for proofreading this and also for being so supportive of all my meetings and involvements!

So without further preamble, let’s dive in! (damn, that was a lot of preamble)

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The ‘Deep Slate: My March 2020 Voting Guide


Wow. It’s finally time. With any luck, tomorrow will be the beginning of the end of the most disastrous presidency ever (probably – but certainly in my lifetime.) I’m sure most folks are totally focused on the California Presidential Primary race and I get it! but there are also other important races so please vote for them too!

Seriously – GO VOTE!


.ps: Let’s continue the tradition: #votingstickerselfie. AFTER YOU VOTE: Take a pic with your voting sticker on your nose and hashtag it as #votingstickerselfie!

.pps: If you:

  • Like what you read, please do let me know! Also questions, criticisms, comments welcome!
  • Want to know where to vote, jump to the Extras below.
  • Want to get an email when I post the next ‘Deep Slate, just email me!

.ppps: Oakland? or San Jose? check out the Extras section.


Every San Francisco election cycle, I put out my “‘Deep Slate” voter guide. Here is my guide for this election!

The format of this post is as follows:

  1. The LIST: the simple list of my endorsements for this election.
  2. The DETAILS: the whys and wherefores of each endorsement. This is how I arrived at each position.
  3. My VALUES: a brief explanation of my values and sources, to help make sense of my opinions.
  4. Sources: a collection of my sources and a tiny bit about how I arrive at my endorsements.
  5. Extras: If you want to know where to vote, or want to find older ‘Deep Slates, or some Oakland/San Jose stuff.

Also note that a few days after the election, you can come back and check the RESULTS by clicking here.


Thanks, as always, to the folks who asked for my opinions: I really am honored by your interest.

And big props to my lovely wife, for proofreading this and also for being so supportive of all my meetings and involvements!

So without further preamble, let’s dive in! (damn, that was a lot of preamble…)

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The ‘Deep Slate: My November 2019 Voting Guide


Whelp – it’s that time again. Voting season & while this isn’t a major OMG election (that’ll be in March & November of next year!) this one has some important stuff for the future of our City.

So let’s do this….

And remember: GO VOTE!


.ps: Let’s continue the tradition: #votingstickerselfie AFTER YOU VOTE: Take a pic with your voting sticker on your nose & hashtag it as #votingstickerselfie! This helps people *see* how many folks are out there voting and will hopefully get them out there too. Peer pressure works. :D 

.pps: If you…

  • Like what you read, please do let me know! Questions, criticisms, and comments are welcome!
  • Want to know where to vote, jump to the Extras below.
  • Want to get an email when I post the next ‘Deep Slate, just email me and say so!

.ppps: Oakland? or San Jose? check out the Extras section.


Every San Francisco election cycle, I put out my “‘Deep Slate” voter guide, and this post is my guide for this election.

Here’s the format:

  1. The LIST: the no-frills list of my endorsements for this election.
  2. The DETAILS: the whys and wherefores of each endorsement. This is how I arrived at each position.
  3. My VALUES: a brief explanation of my values and sources, to provide context for my opinions.
  4. Sources: a collection of my sources and a tiny bit about how I arrive at my endorsements.
  5. Extras: If you want to know where to vote, or want to find older ‘Deep Slates, or some Oakland/San Jose stuff…

Also note that a few days after the election, you can come back & check the RESULTS by clicking here.


Thanks, as always, to the number of folks who have asked for my opinions. I say it every time but it is quite true: I really am honored by your interest.

And big props to my lovely wife , for proofreading this and also for being so supportive of all my meetings & involvements!

So without further preamble, let’s dive in! (damn, that was a lot of preamble)

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The ‘Deep Slate: My November 2018 Voting Guide


Hi folks. I’m writing you from Houston, Texas* where I’m managing a small field office for the Beto O’Rourke campaign for U.S. Senate!

Betologo black

There are some seriously good people here working their butts off to get us over this big Texas-sized hump! And this campaign’s ground game is amazing.

So will Operation Deep in the <3¸ of Texas succeed? I guess we’ll see in about 2 weeks! 

On a personal note, this is the hardest it’s ever been for me to leave home to fight the good fight. I’m super thankful for Kimberly for being on solo-parent duty this week, even though she has a cold!

Anyway, all this Houston-ness makes me super-appreciative of our blue state, so please GO VOTE & make it even better.

(Also note, dear readers – we have some new Oakland & San Jose specific websites to recommend – check out the links in the Extras section.)


*Actually, I’m on the plane, on my way back now, finishing this up. I’ve been writing all week in between my duties and after we closed up shop for the day.

.ps: Let’s start a new tradition: #votingstickerselfie AFTER YOU VOTE: take a pic with your voting sticker on your nose & hashtag it as #votingstickerselfie!

.pps: If you…

  • like what you read, please do let me know! Also questions, criticisms, comments welcome!
  • want to know where to vote, jump to the Extras below
  • want to get an email when I post the next ‘Deep Slate, just email me!


Every San Francisco election cycle, I put out my “‘Deep Slate” voter guide: this post is my guide for this election!

The format of this post:

  1. The LIST: the simple list of my endorsements for this election.
  2. The DETAILS: the whys and wherefores of each endorsement. This is how I arrived at each position.
  3. My VALUES: a brief explanation of my values and sources, to help make sense of my opinions.
  4. Sources: a collection of my sources and a tiny bit about how I arrive at my endorsements.
  5. Extras: If you want to know where to vote, or want to find older ‘Deep Slates, or some Oakland/San Jose stuff….

Also note that a few days after the election, you can come back & check the RESULTS by clicking here.


Thanks, as always, to the number of folks who have asked me for my opinions. I say it every time because it is quite true: I really am honored by your interest.

And big props to my lovely wife, for proofreading this and also for being so supportive of all my meetings & involvements!

So without further preamble, let’s dive in! (damn, that was a lot of preamble)

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The ‘Deep Slate: June 2018 Edition


UPDATE: A lawyer friend got me to change my mind about one of the Superior Court judges & made me clarify my opposition to judicial races. See below.

Whew. Another election where I’m caught behind the eight ball trying to get this done. The June primary was supposed to be a snoozer locally, until Mayor Lee died & things just got nuts. C’est la guerre. (Also, my condolences to Mayor Lee’s family. He seemed a decent man regardless of anything else.)

Anyway this is a big election, both for SF and for California. There’s a lot here, so I’ll just dive in.

Regardless, GO VOTE!


.ps: Let’s start a new tradition: #votingstickerselfie AFTER YOU VOTE: Take a pic with your voting sticker on your nose & hashtag it as #votingstickerselfie! [WHY?]

.pps If you…

  • like what you read, or have questions, criticisms, comments – please do let me know! I appreciate the feedback!
  • want to know where to vote, jump to the Extras below
  • want to get an email when I post the next ‘Deep Slate, just email me!


Every San Francisco election cycle, I put out a “‘Deep Slate”: my endorsements for that election. Here’s how it’s laid out:

  1. The LIST: the simple list of my endorsements for this election.
  2. The DETAILS: the whys and wherefores of each endorsement. This is how I arrived at each position.
  3. My VALUES: a brief explanation of my values and sources, to help make sense of my opinions.
  4. Sources: a collection of my sources and a tiny bit about how I arrive at my endorsements.
  5. Extras: If you want to know where to vote, or want to find older ‘Deep Slates.

Also note that a few days after the election, you can come back & check the RESULTS by clicking here.


Thanks, as always, to the number of folks who have asked for my opinions. I say it every time because it is quite true: I really am honored by your interest.

And big props to my lovely wife, for being Editor in Chief of this Slate and for supporting my efforts, meetings & involvements!

So without further preamble, let’s dive in!

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